
Privacy Policy

Last updated: April 1, 2024

As an online tool, ToolsKitHub is bound by data protection regulations. If you do not agree with our privacy policy and the following terms, please do not use our services and inform us of your concerns.

一、Our collection of personal information

During the use of ToolsKitHub, we only collect the minimum amount of necessary data. If you register, purchase, or subscribe to services, we need to collect more information about you. We will not collect any data from the files you upload. Your IP address and access date (log data) are recorded together when visiting our website.

By providing file processing, we do not read or collect the content, metadata, or other data from the files you upload. For statistical purposes, we only collect the number of processed files, error count, and total file size of all conversions.

二、Use personal data

We only use your personal data to provide you with better services.

We will not store personal information or anything related to privacy.

We will record your IP address to prevent abuse of our services and for user statistical analysis.

We will not associate this information with any personal identity information.

三、Process your documents

We do not study it. We do not make any copies.

During the process of providing services, most tools handle data on the client side without uploading to the server (as indicated on the page). If server-side processing is required, your files will be transferred to ToolsKitHub and temporarily stored on ToolsKitHub's servers.

We will not read, view, or mine any data from your files or their metadata.

We do not keep any copies.

All file processing is done by machines, and your files have no human interaction.

四、Do not share your files and data.

We do need to share some of your personal data in order to provide services for you.

The file you uploaded will not be sold to anyone.

No one can download your file data unless you share the download link with your family or friends.

五、Contact Us

If users have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, please contact us. We will do our best to resolve the user's issues.

Contacting us is to establish an effective communication channel. If users have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us at any time, and we will be dedicated to serving you.

By complying with these terms of service, users will help maintain the safety and health of the online community, protect their own and others' rights, and ensure the normal operation of this site. ToolsKitHub online tools are committed to providing a safe, beneficial, and educational online environment. We appreciate your support and understanding. If users have any concerns or need further information, please feel free to Contact Us